Oh Liz...
What's left for you now? Hmm?
Remember when you owned Harris in the debates? You thought your place in the scheme of things was pretty clear didn't you? How were they even comparing this attorney general from California to you, right? Her corruption record versus your record of very visibly taking on the corps for the 99%? Please.
Remember when you falsely accused Senator Sanders of being sexist? Well, it wasn't you. It was one of your staffers present in that meeting between the two of you. THEY tried to smear Sanders. You just let the dice ride and hoped. The staffer would fall on their sword for you. That's what you got taught in Young Republicans, wasn't it? (You know. Back when Joe was fighting for segregated schools.) Except you didn't really deny it either. And it stuck to you.
Remember how you took your activist record and pirated the Sanders platform? You took all the bits that mattered at any given moment... then watered down the rest. Told us that if we wanted drastic change, that we were aiming too high? You painted yourself as the progressive despite people screaming that you were splitting the progressive caucus. Your opposite number in that caucus had the authenticity you merely pretended to. You knew who wrote your marching orders. It was the very same people you accused of having run a corrupted primary for Secretary Clinton in 2016. On camera. The ones who decided and sold the 16 primary to the Clinton campaign outright, and were astonished that the people didn't vote as they were ordered to. What are ya gonna do with these filthy peasants, am I right?
Remember when the idea of a Biden candidacy was a joke? When he
stumbled about on the debate stage, silent for great swathes of time
before erupting into a typical gout of word salad on national TV? Do
you remember how he condescended to you? Remember when Ms. Harris
disemboweled him on stage that once? Ohhh, those were fun times,
weren't they? When you were surrounded by 19 to 21 other also-rans to
saturate the field with 2016 Clinton Superdelegates? You weren't
thinking that the committee would fix it for him. YOUR star was in the
ascendant, right? Yours. Hell, you even had Mrs. Clinton's vote too.
Strange bedfellow, right? Well, not that strange. She got your
endorsement when Sanders needed it back in 2016. The least she could do
was help you when you were making the same mistake she did.
Was all that debate stage outrage at Joe manufactured, Liz? Even then, was the plan to get him elected? Did you know you were being used? Did you knowingly do it anway? If so you need an Emmy for that performance. That was some method acting genius right there if that was the case.
Or were you clueless about the whole DNC strategy; as they blew visions of the presidency in your one ear while preparing their way for the man they actually wanted out of the other side of their faces?
Remember when I outright BEGGED you to drop your candidacy and cede your delegates to Sanders? You had a horse in that race. You had skin in that game. By all reports, Mr. Biden was the man you got INTO politics to fight against. The author of the modern enslavement bill and the modern corporate feudalism bill. (Excuse me, 90's Crime Bill and the elimination of bankruptcy for student borrowers.) Remember how as soon as you turned your coat for the credit industry lawyer instead of the man fighting for every plank in your platform, people figured you were doing it to sell your delegates for a VP seat? That was crass, right? You were just taking your time and making up your mind and making good and sure you'd siphoned off every last bit you could of the progressive vote to ensure the fix was in, right? Did it taste sour in your mouth at that point? Were you lowering your expectations as you'd said we needed to? Okay... so the DNC weren't going to let you be president. We all knew who they wanted. The sad thing is that it took you so long to realize it yourself.
They didn't want you, Liz.
I screamed it in every damn social media board where someone wanted to fight about it. No way with your past was Wall St. going to let you that near the levers of power. Not after all the public embarassments you'd dealt them. You were publicly styled as enough of a progressive that even WITH your watered down platform, the corporations that owned your congressional brethren were never going to let that happen. Every day you kept up your campaign was more damage done. While the DNC fanned the flames of how just generally... unpleasant and rude those bernie bros were. Nevermind that had you not gone low, you likely WOULD have been Sen. Sanders' running mate. He'd have probably chosen you. Even after your failed attempt at character assassination. Aside from Tulsi Gabbard, you were about as close as it got to what he was running on. It would have been the political thing to do considering your following.
You threw that away, Liz. You stabbed him in the back like the DNC ordered you to. They dangled a VP seat in front of you that you'd have probably got anyway, and then they had you cede your delegates to a man that was for all intents and purposes, Dead On Arrival. That very same company man who spurred you to run for office in the first place to fight against.
If it helps you, in what must be an extremely disappointing moment in your life... remember.
They never wanted you anyway. They fooled you. They took you for a ride.
Take some solace in the fact that if you were that easily led by the nose, goaded, and ordered about by special interests, you wouldn't have really made good presidential material anyway. I know we have something of an abyssmally low bar right now. But damn hon... this has got to hurt.
Does it hurt, Liz?
Does it hurt to see it snatched away from you like this and given to a corrupt authoritarian AG in the middle of the biggest worldwide riots against police brutality and incompetence in modern history? Weren't expecting that, were we, Liz?
I mean I suppose you've got til the end of your current term. Hell, they may even re-elect you. People are stupid, apparently. They keep re-electing McConnell and that pearl-clutching moron from South Carolina. Whatsisname? Yertle?
Anyway. I wouldn't count on it. Memory is much longer nowadays. And your record is a mere google search away...
You blew the chance for a progressive win at perhaps the most critical point in our country and our world's history, Liz. You lied on the record. You went low and let the companies run you. You sold out the principles your public image was based on. And in the end, you did it for nothing. You look like a fool, Liz. And the progressives know who you stand for now. And they know it's not them. They'll never trust you again.
Never, Liz.
I wouldn't run again if I were you. Tho if I were you, I'd be standing on a stage with Sen. Sanders as the his running mate for the presidency right now. But in your current straits? When your term is up, you may want to go the 'retiring to spend time with your family' route.
Maybe you can write a book. "OOPSIE! OR HOW I SOLD OUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN TWO DIFFERENT ELECTIONS FOR THE CORPORATIONS, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY BOOK DEAL." Maybe you can even get Hill-dawg to write you a forward. I hear she can be had for a few hundred grand on the corporate speaking circuit.
Whatever. Enjoy your coming irrelevance. May it be brutal, bitter and short.
Damn you for your part in the fix. Damn you for all of it. Damn you for having to hold my nose and vote for a doddering old rapey 1%-er vetted by Wall St. and his authoritarian sidekick. Damn you for giving an actual Nazi traitor that much more of a fighting chance to fix the election to implement his father's most fevered dreams of a fourth reich.
Damn you, Liz.
But... as much as I hate Joe. As much as I intensely dislike Kamala...
It will give me a modicum of satisfaction to know that I will not be voting for you.
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