Monday, June 26, 2017

One For the History Books. But Probably Not the One We Wanted...

It came up a little earlier today for me.  A writer friend of mine posted a tweet about a thing I've wondered about frequently about our current America.  (see below)  And I do wonder about how history will remember us. I'm thinking those of us presently alive and drawing breath will be remembered unkindly. Not for being fascists. But for putting up with the current fascists we have for so long. I wondered this weekend how Herr Fuckstick von Clownminge thinks he will be remembered. I mean on some level, he has to know that he will be reviled. Like Adolf Hitler reviled. A historical example of how not to human being.

I mean we got a nice period of prosperity for a while here in the US. After WWII, Korea and Vietnam, we grew fat and complacent as the beginning of the information age settled onto us. Quite a lot of the activist generation of my parents to a large degree were either pacified, marginalized, or sold out into the kind of 'I got mine, so the hell with you' Yuppie generation who enabled quite a lot of the problems we have today.  You know.  The ones that helped re-elect Reagan in a literal landslide, then Bush 1.

The fascists and bigots who'd been waiting for this opportunity to advance the 'southern strategy' and break the unions pounced with the Reagan administration and took every inch they could get while we whinged about inclusivity, compassion and understanding.   And it's not that we shouldn't be inclusive, compassionate or understanding.  These angels are what separate us from the horrors we have in office and their creatures now.  But one must also be vigilant WHILE being compassionate.  you remember.  Just cos the fire in your village has kept the wolves away for a while, you don't let it burn out. 

That's quite an infestation of republican fascists you've got there.  We can help get rid of that.  But it's going to cost.

The yuppies forgot this.  The fascists didn't.  They took advantage when the yuppies forgot that you never give a fascist an inch. Ever. It's like getting fleas in your house. Once you've got em, you need to unilaterally bomb the place with poison every week to keep from getting bit. Or burn the house down to be sure.

That prosperity, like with the onset of the industrial revolution in the UK, is done with. Now we're beset with robber barons the same way we were at the cusp of the 19th/20th century. And we've let them get such a foothold we may well need a second civil war or revolution to bomb them the hell out. Hopefully it will be that damnable compassion that will be our saving grace. We outnumber the fascists, but they're better armed. It's my home that when the modern day fascists start ordering their blackshirts to start firing on Americans and their loved ones, they'll know where their duty actually lies.

I can hope.

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