I'm hearing low key rumblings that Mrs. Clinton is going to want to run again in 2020. Or at least that they're looking for the next great unpenised candidate to offer that doesn't have Hillary Clinton's stink of failure all over her. (but is still establishment enough to satisfy the donors.) And in the general terror and horror at the actions of the criminal in the White House and all his henchmen, the dems are flailing about like kids who know what they did was wrong, but are unable to admit to it or own what they did.
Clinton herself said: : "I was on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on Oct. 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me and got scared off." Sen. Chuck Schumer just chucked her under the bus according to CNN. As though the two weren't aiding and abetting her and the DNC's theft of the 2016 Democratic primary themselves. Softballing her and 'ramming her down our throats', to use some other sleazebag in government's unfortunate turn of phrase.
And they're hoping that we've already forgotten. You know. The entire time they're pointing at the human rights abuses the GOP is trying to ram into law while the rich old bastards have the opportunity, and all the 'Third Way' dems are literally saying is "Have you SEEN the other guys?"
We have.
We're aware.
"You ruined a perfectly good ass! That's what! Look at it!" |
I still despise Hillary Clinton. And no it's not cos she's a woman. (I'd take Tulsi Gabbard any day in her place.) No it's not because of her emails, though that spoke to a larger problem that does concern me. One very large problem that our current despot is more guilty of than she is... but not much more. She does not believe the law should apply to her. And that's just as dangerous for different reasons. The establishment dems want to take our fear and loathing for Herr Drumpf and turn it into a groundswell for their brand of fascism instead of his.
And they're hoping we will forget that she is pretty much the perfect figurehead for their Third Way-ist bullshit. Someone who can 'evolve' to be anything necessary to whatever gets them what they want. No sincerity required. No actual beliefs or morals necessary. Someone who can keep the spice flowing and the great unwashed grassroots candidates out of the clubhouse. You know. The people who actually want to represent us. We had someone like that. The Dems fixed their race and primaried him. They weren't interested. They're hoping you're going to forget that. Don't.
I remember the debates where she styled herself as tough on terror by promising us and the Military Industrial Complex another war in the middle east. I remember her name-checking her good friend and mentor, the War Criminal Dr. Henry Kissinger as though any sane person might think that was a GOOD idea. I remember all those little whistle stops she made while she pounded the neoliberal pulpit where she tried to adopt focus grouped accents and idioms in order to 'relate and appeal' (TM DNC 2016) to the people there. I remember how she tried to appropriate and make herself the Latino voting community's 'Abuela'. I remember how she tried to court the black vote with one hand while taking money from the for-profit prison industry that's enslaving people of color and want the status quo maintained.
I remember how badly she treated Mr. Obama in 2008 and how sleazily she smeared and slandered him. I remember how very vehemently she was against Mr. Obama before she desperately tried to attach herself to his outgoing coat-tails in 2016 in hopes that some of his hard-won success would rub off. I remember how her main supporters in 2016 were the prison industrial complex; as well as Time-Warner and Turner/CNN that abetted the media blackout of Senator Sanders' campaign. I remember how insulted I felt by what I perceived to be a false and patronizing pseudo sincerity. I remember seeing the ongoing jokes about her on Saturday Night Live where she had to assure us that she was an actual living breathing human creature and not a robot programmed to regurgitate badly learned accents and oligarchy talking points. Which would have been a lot more funny had it not been actually terrifying. I remember how she condescended to me regarding my fervent hope that I'd get to vote for someone that wasn't her. I remember how she assumed it would be a coronation in 2016 instead of an election.
"Don't just TELL us shit like that. You need to learn to lie to us better!" -Lewis Black |
I remember how she got a guilty child rapist exonerated during her time as a lawyer in the 70's and laughingly joking that she'd never trust a polygraph test again. I remember how her supporters were okay with that because she was a lawyer and could have been disbarred otherwise. (Ya know... had she chosen disbarrment to secure the rapist's conviction instead of having the child's bloody panties dismissed as incriminating evidence, I'd have found her a perfectly acceptable person to consider for office.) As though that made what she did entirely okay because the law is broken.
I remember how the person in the New York primaries in 2016 who was mostly responsible for people's registrations getting lost or changed without their permission? I remember how that person later ended up with a house in connection with someone in the Clinton campaign. I disremember whether that person saw jail time or not. I remember Clintonistas in the caucuses in the flyover states getting caught in the act of losing Sanders ballots, or trying to trick people into signing for Clinton illegally or invalidating their own votes. I remember Nancy Pelosi and DNC bigwigs during the Nevada primary changing the rules RIGHT THERE and setting up a picket line of policemen for the Berners that they'd disenfranchised on the spot in 2016. How if they didn't put their Bernie signs away, they were threatened with arrest.
I remember how on multiple occasions, the Clintons showed up within illegal distance of the polling places at multiple primaries. I remember that they pulled so many dirty tricks out of the republican play book that I imagined that Karl Rove was checking his own security to see if he'd been burgled or hacked. A different 'unfortunate' circumstance went down in EVERY state so the DNC could point at them and start chanting "UNRELATED INCIDENTS. UNRELATED INCIDENTS" in a zen state of plausible deniability.
I remember how Mrs. Clinton was for DOMA before she was against it. I remember how she was for NAFTA before she was against it. I remember how she was for the TPP as the 'gold standard' for trade agreements before she was against it. I remember how she was for the Citizens' United decision in the SCOTUS that has all but destroyed our election process with the influx of money from the corporations. I remember that she sat on Wal-Mart's board of directors at the point where it started to turn into one of the biggest exploiters of the lower class in the world and destroyers of local economies. I remember Mrs. Clinton appealing to the coal lobby and snubbing the Detroit water crisis as not being sexy enough for the news cycles at the time in 2016. I remember how she fought so hard to keep what she said to Wall Street out of the public eye. I remember the firsthand accounts of how she treated her secret service people and the people working for her.
But most of all, I remember the polls during the 2016 democratic primary. I remember how they showed her losing to Fuckface Von Clownstick the Terrible, while Mr. Sanders won by a more than 10 point spread. I remember writing open articles and signing petitions asking that the DNC PLEASE endorse Mr. Sanders and that Mrs. Clinton step down. I remember Sanders being an assured win, and Mrs. Clinton being an entirely likely loss not for just America, but for the world in the face of the beast she'd lose to. I remember Mrs. Clinton having a choice. The facts were before her. She could've put the needs of our country and the world before her ego and conceded to the candidate America clearly wanted.
Or she could have lied. Cheated. Rigged primaries. Ignored the danger. Blacked out her opponent. Appropriated cultural identities. Denied public access to her records. Engaged in under the table DNC Nepotism. Positioned herself as being for everything Bernie was, except not. Attempted to steal Mr. Sanders' platform and watered it down so as to be inoffensive to the corporate interests that owned her. Told us that our needs were unrealistic and specious. Ignored our crises, chronic injuries and beloved dead. Promised us war instead of general welfare. Denied us salient and meaningful debate. Denied and disenfranchised us of our vote. Broke the law. Held herself unaccountable to the law. But aside from all that, she decided to hold human life, development and history itself hostage. She held Herr Drumpf to all of our heads like a gun and demanded that we give her what she wanted or people would die.
And when the worst possible, yet entirely predictable thing happened... she went away. For a while. She receded like the plague and blamed anyone and everyone she could for her misfortune, and owned none of the responsibility for her actions. She was indeed cheated of the presidency, just as she'd cheated Sanders of the primary. Ironically enough, by the same methods. And per usual, she accepted it, despite a popular lead of 3 million votes and didn't press the issue. She didn't fight for it. And in the end, showed herself to be the milquetoast corporate bureaucrat we knew her to be anyway.
And after laying low... after personally enabling one of worst possible people in history to gain the Presidency by not conceding to the better candidate... now she's hinting she's going to try again? After all we've been through. After all the pain and blood and murder in the beast's wake so far, all the DNC can do is cough up or excrete more people that are acceptable to the companies instead of the people? After all that, they're hinting that they want to do it all over again?
Fuck you.
Will no one rid me of these troublesome oligarchs?
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